Medium Calming Lamp™

Medium Calming Lamp™


This minimalist style lamp is calming and soothing especially When lit as the only source of light in your space. I don't know why, it just is. 😊😊

The Medium Calming Gourd Lamp™ measures about 9.5 inches in height and 8.5 inches in width. Please note that since a gourds is a natural product, there will be slight variation in size, shape and design pattern as well. Height may also vary depending on the base.

Lamp has a black base and ships with an LED bulb so you can use it right away.

LEDs are recommended because they save energy, last longer and are cooler in temperature.

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Calming Gourd Lamp-Circle™

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Fiery Countess Gourd Lamp

Sale Price:$159.99 Original Price:$189.99